Our Solr Subscription Package (Package) is a latest stable version of Apache Solr uniquely packaged by RONDHUIT in order for enterprise users to utilize the software safely and easily.
As Solr support service, of course, is provided with up-to-date knowledge and experience that RONDHUIT consultants acquired through their real-world consulting experience, you can focus on developing your business logic.

The package includes the followings
- The stable version of Apache Solr that includes most recent and our unique bug fixes.
- Support service by our team that includes Apache Lucene/Solr committers and works closely with Apache community.
- Plug-ins and preset reference environment that seek completeness and precision of Japanese search.
- Learning-to-rank module that eliminates the need for annotation by add search impression, time on page, and user behavior into consideration.
- Japanese manuals and installation scripts.
Easy Setup
The package includes a stable version of Solr that supports Japanese and enables you to start using it at once by simply running the installation script. Also, you can use and study the latest search technology as you read through the accompanying Japanese manuals because sample environments and sample data for a wide variety of usage situations are included.
Finely Textured Japanese Processing Plug-ins
Japanese documents have unique “spelling inconsistency” and it could cause “missed search” unless it is handled properly . This “missed search” could lead to serious situation depending on the type of your business operation. For example, “missed search” during web site search on EC sites could lead to missed potential customers that cause lost profit in the future. RONDHUIT’s Japanese processing plug-ins absorb unique Japanese spelling inconsistency like the followings in order to prevent missed search from occurring.
- One-byte/two-byte
- アイウ123⇔アイウ123
- Old/New Chinese characters
- 慶應大学⇔慶応大学
- Iteration mark
- 時々⇔時時、部分々々⇔部分部分、いすゞ自動車⇔いすず自動車
- Chinese numerals and Arabic numerals
- 四七/四十七/四拾七⇔47
- Phonetic notation
- かたかな⇔カタカナ⇔katakana、日本語⇔にほんご
- Compound loan words
- オープンソース・ソフトウェア⇔オープンソースソフトウェア
- Geographical names/Conjugational characters
- 旭が丘⇔旭丘/卸売り⇔卸売/下請け⇔下請/垂れ幕⇔垂幕
Extracting and Getting the Most out of Your Business Buzzwords
When you build a system that searches documents such as Word and PDF that include many “natural sentences”, Solr features including facet/clustering/similar document search would become difficult to perform their functions because there are not enough metadata of documents being provided. You can use the term extraction function that is included in the package to extract “feature words” – i.e. “metadata” – and feed them back to the documents and get the most out information the documents originally have. This enables you to fully utilize the facet/clustering/similar document search functions and suggestion (see the following diagram).
Japanese-suported “Did you mean” Search
When search word errors occur as a result of keyboard typo and/or wrong kanji conversion, the system presumes similar search words and could display “Did you mean…” option to the user. A correct keywords would be displayed and the user could simply click the link to perform another search leading to work saving.
Support Service
We will provide customers, who use our subscription package to develop and/or manage a search system, with solutions including bug fixes and work-around suggestions that best fit their situations. The provided bug fixes are basically fed back to Apache Lucene/Solr community in order to bring them to commit status. This way, we can make sure to prevent a similar failure from occurring in future versions. This is the support service that only a company like RONDHUIT, which has Apache Lucene/Solr committers as its team members, could provide.
Service Level Agreement
Support Reception Hours | Monday – Friday 9:00-17:00 |
Turnaround time (initial response) | Within 6 business hours(*1) |
Communication Method | Email to the support email address or via phone. |
Number of Incidents | Solr: 12 incidents per year ManifoldCF: 6 incidents per year additional option contract) |
Number of people who can contact | (Up to) 2 people(*2) |
Supported version | Within 2 years of its release date |
Unit | 5 Solr instances |
Subscription Agreement (click here to to confirm) *1: The initial response has an answer to your question and, depending on your question, status reports including “Your Question Received”, “Confirmation of Your Question in Detail”, “Reproduction of the Phenomenon in Progress”, “Reproduction of the Phenomenon Completed”. *2: We will decide the scope of an incident based on the 4 hours or less of investigation time as one basic unit. *3: We will ask the registered engineers who will be contacting us with questions to take “Solr Basics” and “Solr Advanced” provided by RONDHUIT in advance. *4: The supported area includes: Support on product usage, support on product compatibility/operability, support on interpretation of documents, support on mulfunction (software code investigation) *5: The following items are handled by our consulting service: Installation consulting (system build), planing, application development, customization and debugging, analysis of problem occurred in your unique environment that include software by other venders, document analysis of problems caused not by product packages or included products, sample code development requested by customer, performance analysis and tuning, preparation of Japanese manual (including translation), and provision of various information lists that do not directly affect your problem.