Search Technology Leader
Transform search, connect people with information, and evolve the world.
RONDHUIT provides the best search solution in Japan .
Our Solr Subscription is a latest stable version of Apache Solr uniquely packaged by RONDHUIT in order for enterprise users to utilize the software safely and easily.
As Solr support service, of course, is provided with up-to-date knowledge and experience that RONDHUIT consultants acquired through their real-world consulting experience, you can focus on developing your business logic.

Site Search
- Easy-to-use web site = excellent search system
- Most Web sites now have ”search box”. How close your search engine can get to what users are seeking is the key to your success.
- Self-sustained maintenance of dictionaries
- Our Solr Subscription realizes semi-automation of continuous dictionary maintenance in order to increase the search coverage.
- Optimization of search result ranking
- Our Subscription learns keywords that users input as well as documents (or products, etc.) they select from search result list and reflects that on search result rank to realize continuous and self-sustained optimization.

Enterprise Search
- Ability to immediately access information you want
- Enabling you to efficiently and immediately find information necessary to your operation and making that available to you will contribute to increase in productivity. Making information retrieval more efficient will enable you to use your time on more productive tasks.
- Using up-to-the-second accurate information
- As we reduce the risk of using old and wrong information, you will be able to get hold of and utilize the latest information at once.
- Information disclosure according to proper privileges
- RONDHUIT's Solr Subscription, depending on the rules of access rights within an enterprise, lists the search results according to privileges.

Documents/Paper Search
- Tagging
- RONDHUIT's Solr Subscription semi-automates tagging, which extracts feature words from document, to creates keywords for search.
- Auto-complete with Japanese support
- The auto-complete function is provided to display candidates as you input each character.
- Refinement Search
- RONDHUIT's Solr Subscription automatically extracts names of people and places from unstructured documents (flat text) and structure them.